Wednesday, September 19, 2007

No Less Than Jake

"I've been all around this crummy world

And no one will defend

The comfort found in imaginary friends."

-Mono Puff

Well someone has to defend the honor of imaginary friends, and I shall gladly take on that duty!

Let me start by introducing myself. I'm Lauren, a red-haired, soft-spoken, 22 year-old from Long Island, New York. I'm an only child with a grand obsession for collecting, and can usually be caught talking to myself more than to other people.

. . . actually, that last part's a lie. If you ever catch me mumbling something when no one seems to be around, I'm not talking to myself. I'm chatting with my imaginary friend, Jake.

Don't laugh, 22 year-olds can have make believe pals too.

I first created Jake when I was in the 6th grade as a sort of, imaginary boyfriend. Now I know what you're thinking, and no. Jake isn't a giant, green, hairy monster type of imaginary friend. Why would I want to pretend I was dating that? That's just weird. In actuality, he's human. His full name is Jacob Anderson. He has short black hair and green eyes. His birthday is July 15, 1983, and he's just tall enough for my head to rest in the crook of his neck.

Aww, ain't that romantic?

. . . and that would be Jake trying to embarrass me. Anyway, ignoring him and continuing my post. Most of my friends and family know of Jake as a blue pillow that I bring everywhere. I use the pillow as something tangible for me to speak with or hold when I need to, because sometimes talking to air is just, not enough.

(left to right)
Me, Jake (in pillow form), & my cousin Samantha

When I entered college in 2003, Jake took on a new role in my life. He became my support system through all the anxious times I found myself facing. Whenever I was in a panic about something, I could hear Jake speaking to me, trying to calm me down. He helped me get though a lot of finals.

Today, Jake is still around and I'm not letting him go anytime soon. I think the main reason behind my still having an imaginary friend at my age is the fact that I'm an only child. I hate being alone. But with Jake around, I never really am.

-Lauren & Jake


Liz Querusio said...

Jesus! Look at that beautiful red, curly hair! But in regard to your blog, trillz.

monkey said...

yes she does have lovely red curly hair!! although her current hair length can be sexy also. (I know ya blushing Lauren, because i could always make you blush ;)