Sunday, October 21, 2007

So I was watching The Fairly OddParents the other day, because yes, I still watch cartoons. In fact, that's pretty much all I watch. Anyway, they had an episode on entitled "Imaginary Gary". Gee, I wonder what this episode's about?

Well, Timmy Turner, the show's ten-year-old main character was apparently bored out of his mind. Even though he has Fairy God Parents that can give him anything he could possibly want, so that doesn't even make sense. Suddenly Timmy remembers his imaginary friend, Gary, that he used to play with when he was five. So, of course he wishes for Gary to become real, so he can play with him again. (...Why couldn't you just pretend to play with Gary again, Timmy? I mean, come on. You're ten, your childhood hasn't up and left you just yet.)

But that wouldn't leave for an interesting plot twist, right? So Gary turns into a real boy and Timmy gets super excited, wanting to play all the old five-year-old games they used to play. But Gary isn't exactly what Timmy imagined him to be. Rather then wanting to do everything Timmy does, like he would have been 'forced' to do while he was trapped in Timmy's imagination, he's now a rebellious jerk, who act kind of like the Fonz.

I've often 'wished' that Jake could become real. Though I doubt that if it somehow happened, it would be as bad as Timmy Turner's experience--I'm not a fan of Fonzie, sorry--I'm sure he wouldn't turn out as amazing as I imagine him.

Plus with Jake staying safe in my imagination, he's able to constantly mold and chance depending on what I want him to be like. Hell, if I wanted Jake to be a bloodthirsty elephant tomorrow, then he'd be one.

-Lauren & Jake

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