Thursday, November 8, 2007

Life's better with more friends

I spend a lot of my internet time on the blogging site, Livejournal. (If you ever want to catch me over there, my screen name is the same as here, Jordi124) So I decided I would do an interest search for 'imaginary friends' and see what kinds of communities came up.

First off I noticed a TON of Foster's interest communities were listed. That was cool, but I was looking more for groups that wanted to share stories or thoughts about their personal friends.

Though the ones I did find haven't been posted in very recently, there were a few that dealt with that topic. Here are the links if you are curious to see what other people might be publicly posting about their experiences with imaginary friends:

imagine_nation - People with Imaginary Friends

imagin_friends - Imaginary Friends Annonymous

imaginedfancies - Castles in the Air

It tells you when you do a search on Livejournal, how many days or weeks ago a journal was updated and most of these ones say a pretty long time ago. I wish they were more active communities, because then I would join one of them. But even so, just the fact that they exist means that I'm not the only one around my age who still has an imaginary friend, or who likes to remember the one they had. And even if you don't have your friend anymore it's good to be able to say that you did have one and joke around about and laugh.

-Lauren & Jake

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